The 1502 is a once-a-year, one-day tournament that began at The Kansas City Country Club in April 2009. It is a member-member event, but it could easily be a tournament between two clubs/courses. In order to reinforce the Scottish theme, we went to the history books and found that the Campbells and MacGregors had been involved in a feud since the 16th century.
According to The University of Edinburgh School of Divinity the struggle between the MacGregors of Glenstrae and the Campbells of Glenorchy was essentially a fight for control over the manpower, lands and other resources of Breadalbane and Lorn.
Brother against brother, the feud was particularly intense because the two clan groups had previously been close allies who had successfully expanded together from their neighboring glens in Lorn into Breadalbane and had settled side by side upon these new lands.
Marriage alliances had cemented the links between the MacGregors, the Campbells and other Argyll kindreds, such as the MacNaughtons. The feud cut across these ties leaving many with hard decisions over their conflicting loyalties.
Photo Album of Tournament: