“We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization.” ― French writer and historian Voltaire (1694 to 1778)

Photo credit: Jason Ria
Easter is almost upon us and I should be thinking about bunnies, bright colors and sunny skies. Instead, as I look out my office window, I see a winterish day – gray, chilly and damp in Kansas City.
It feels and looks like a Scottish day, which, of course, takes my mind to golf. Now I admit that I have a weakness for golf and that way too many thoughts and sights take me the course, but a gloomy day always seems to send me searching for the wit and wisdom of the Scottish people, the people who gave us and truly know the world’s greatest game – and who know how to deal with imperfect days.
While I am dreaming about warm Spring days, my mind is in Scotland.

Photo credit: Erik Thornquist
“Golf was invented a billion years ago! Don’t you remember it?” – Old Scottish saying
A Scottish Golf Rhyme
“But since I cannot play at golf unless I swear a wee, I’ll give it up.”
“What, golf?” they cried.
“Nae, mon – the ministry.”
“What, golf?” they cried.
“Nae, mon – the ministry.”
“It takes longer to kill the golf in a man than it does to breed it.” – Harry Vardon (1870 to 1937), who won The (British) Open Championship six times.
“Golf keeps the heart young and the eyes clear. – Andrew Kirkaldy (1860 to 1934), Scottish professional golfer who finished in the Top 10 of The (British) Open Championship 14 times.
“Golf is deceptively simple, endlessly complicated. A child can play it well, and a grown man can never master it. Any single round of it is full and tantalizing, precise and unpredictable. It requires complete concentration and total relaxation. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening – and it is without the greatest game mankind has ever invented.” – St. Andrews-based clubmaker Robert Forgan (1824 to 1900).

Seated, Robert Forgan; standing in suit is his son, Thomas
“Putt with your ears is a good motto. Wait until you can hear the ball into the tin. Then don’t look at the hole. You will get far more satisfaction by looking at the face of your opponent.” -- John "Jack" White (1873 to 1949), Scottish professional who posted six top-10 finishes in The Open, including a victory in 1904.
Ballade of the Links of Rye by John Somerville (1898)

How gay the heart is and how light
When Beauty, Sport and Friendship greet!
Where all the joys of life invite,
And warm it with their genial heat!
Sweet is the lark’s song – but more sweet
The golf ball’s whistle as it flies
Swift toward the mark which it should meet –
The golfer lives in Paradise.
"Just knock hell out of it (the ball) with your right hand." -- Tommy Armour (1894 to 1968), the Silver Scot, winner of three Majors
“Danger and delight grow on one stalk.” -- Scottish proverb

Photo credit: Bob Cotter
Play Away!
Allan (still a 12)
Allan (still a 12)
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