The angel is on my right shoulder and the devil is on my left. The angel is “suggesting” that this Sunday is really Family Day and the devil is reminding me that it is Father’s Day.
Maybe it is because I have two daughters, Cate and Ruth, who are constantly saying, “Hugs, great hugs, last more than three seconds,” that it is finally dawning on me that the third Sunday in June is more about US than ME.
I admit it. Perspective sometimes comes slowly to me. In years past, I looked upon Father’s Day as a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, which meant golf in the morning with the guys; a post-round drink in the Men’s Grill while watching the early stages of final round of the U.S. Open; home to take a quick shower and watch the end of the Open; then opening presents from my overly-accommodating wife, Nancy, and my kindhearted daughters, and finally a dinner of my choosing. The only thing I did all day was uncork the wine.
This year when talking about our Father's Day plans, Nancy said with a laugh, “This plan sounds familiar -- like most Sundays.” Initially I shrugged off her comment as nothing more than a loving reminder that I have had three decades of Sunday golf. However, sometimes a well-placed jab can be very effective and make one think.
There it was: A moment of clarity. Nancy’s words made me realize how truly lucky I am to be both a husband and father each and every day. From here on out, I will do my best never to take the joys of fatherhood – and grandfatherhood -- for granted! The words of actor Mike Myers offer great perspective: “Anyone who tells you fatherhood is the greatest thing that can happen to you, they are understanding it.”
Bottom line: Being a father is both a blessing and a blast! This Sunday is going to be the perfect combination of golf and family.

All of this new, clearer thinking does not mean that I won’t watch and bet on the 121st U.S. Open at Torrey Pines. The four Major tournaments are MUST-SEE TV.
What about a golf outing with your daughters? And if that is a teaching outing all the better. Now that I finally can play, I wish I had had the opportunity to experience golf with my Dad. It would have been a lot of fun!
Family Day, Father’s Day. Golf Day, Great Dinner Day. How wonderful like is for the STARK’S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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