Golf Is So Mental!

I am worried. I am heading to Mountain Lake (FL) this week to play a few rounds of golf with a good friend who has a home there. Mountain Lake is one of those golf paradises that never disappoints. The course itself was designed by Seth Raynor and the entire property is picture perfect. 

Frederick Law Olmstead Jr. designed the master plan for the community in 1916, laying out 600 acres centered around an 18-hole golf course.

 Here’s the problem. I don’t know whether I should be more excited or more worried. I have only played three times since Nov. 8, the longest non-playing stretch in at least 40 years. Yes, I have done a bit of chipping in the back yard and putting indoors, but that’s it. In place of real practice and real playing, my Mountain Lake prep has been writing down a few reminders and quotes that come to mind as I think about playing real golf on a real golf course. As you can see, my list of “a few” reminders now numbers 36. Yes, that’s too many, but they all make sense and potentially could help me.

 With only a few days left before I leave, I am trying to figure out what to do with my list. Here’s my latest idea: Take out the full list on the golf course with me. Yes, that’s exactly what I am going to do. I will print it out and then laminate it, so it is rain proof. Football coaches, after all, keep their play lists on laminated sheets.

 I will keep it at the ready and given the varied nature of the list, I should always have a reminder or two that will help me deal with any physical and mental challenge. Fingers are crossed that this idea works. I think it’s worth a try.     

2025 Golf Thoughts

1.    Relax your grip.

2.    Think “I can” instead of “I will.”

3.    Complete my backswing.

4.    Cute shots aren’t smart shots.

5.    When you are putting, think shoulders, not wrists.

6.    Golf is a game of senses – seeing, feeling and hearing.

7.    Many shots are spoiled at the last instant by efforts to add a few more yards. -- Bobby Jones

8.    There are times when the Golf gods smile down upon you. Enjoy.

9.    Don’t be a wuss!

10. Back to the target.

11. Instead of hitting and hoping, think about the target.

12. Play happy!

13. No peeking on your putts.

14. Know your foe! Net par.

15. Stay wide at the top.

16. First things first, look at your lie.

17. Golf releases the mind from the oppression of your to-do list.

18. When in doubt, go with your favorite shot.

19. “Patience and fortitude conquer all things.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

20. Think “I can” instead of “I will.”

21. “If it is to be, it is up to me." – Ben Hogan.

22. If a ball is behaving poorly, send it to time out – or simply throw it into the nearest body of water.

23. Wind should make you think.

24. If you have any doubt about how much break to play, then play more break, not less!

25. Keep your right arm and elbow close to your side.

26. Breathe!

27. Take it away smoothly.

28. “You don't hit anything on the backswing, so why rush it?” – Doug Ford.

29. Don’t be risk adverse; just don’t be risk dumb.

30. Get your weight to your left side through impact.

31. Your golf game is subject to change without prior notice.

32. Take enough club.

33. When you have the driver in your hand, think “fast,” not “hard.”

34. Swaying instead of turning will cost you distance.

35. Keep your chin up at address.

36. The course is my playground.

If you are skeptical about this plan. I am open to suggestions. Don’t be bashful. Everyone should have a Plan B ready! On the other hand, if you would like a laminated copy of the list, they are available for $4.95. That includes postage!

Think Away,

Allan Stark


Photo/Illustration credits:

1) Project Gutenberg. Mr. Punch's Golf Stories: Told by His Merry Men; Editor: Hammerton, J. A. (John Alexander)

2) Mountain Lake website.


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